[Research Seminar 2018.04.10.] Conflict risk analysis of small UAS (drones)


Speaker : Sang Hyun Kim(Korea Transfer Institute, Associate Research Fellow)
As the technology of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) evolves, more sUAS is used for various applications and the traffic of sUAS will be increased. Increasing traffic can cause some risk due to conflicts between sUAS, so it is important to assess conflict risk for the safety of sUAS traffic. Although many research efforts have been made on conflicts between aircraft, there is a research gap in assessing the conflict risk of sUAS traffic. The conflict risk is defined as the product of the severity and the probability of conflicts. Literatures suggest methodologies for the calculation of the conflict severity but do not take into account the uncertainty of aircraft position. This study suggests a methodology to assess conflict risk of sUAS traffic reflecting position uncertainty.Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to calculate the conflict risks of structured and unstructured traffic of sUAS. Conflict risk is shown to be affected by the intersection angle and the number of sUAS. Moreover, structured traffic is better than unstructured traffic in terms of conflict.